Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time for an Adjustment

Leviticus 11:44 For I am the Lord your God; sanctify yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy.

Today I finally got around to doing something I should have done weeks ago...I went to visit my Chiropractor. Due to illness in my family I have spent the last 4 months sleeping in hospital chairs or catching naps anywhere I could. It does take a toll on an already bad back. The pain eventually became too much and I finally went in for a much needed adjustment.

Isn't it amazing what we do to our bodies? I've known for weeks that what I was doing was hurting me. I also knew that one or two visits to my doctor would fix it. And yet, I stubbornly tried to keep going on my own, despite the warnings and pain. Even though I knew if I let it go too long I could do long term damage to my nerves - I still waited.

It occurred to me as I sat in the waiting room that it is not only our physical bodies that we abuse in this way - but our Spiritual lives can suffer the same fate of neglect. How often do we realize that we are not as holy as we should be? How many times do we think about how we have let our spiritual disciplines slide for too long, or stopped doing them completely? We know we should do them! We understand that if we keep putting it off, our level of holiness will suffer. Our Spiritual health will begin to deteriorate! Yet, we keep waiting.

Ironically, today is the beginning of the season of Lent. It occurs to me that I need an adjustment in more ways than one. My doctor can adjust my spine - but I also need a Spiritual adjustment before my Spiritual health begins to fail. I've tried to decide for weeks what I would give up for Lent and today I realized I would rather take up something than give up something. I would rather take up a renewed commitment to holiness. I would rather embark on a re-discovery of a passionate relationship with God.

So for Lent, I will take up contemplation and prayer as a daily commitment. This means I will give up some T.V. time or some sleep time, or maybe even (dare I say it), some Facebook time. Instead, I will spend that time reading scripture and communing with God. I hope to blog about it along the way and share some of what God teaches or reveals to me in this journal.

I'm ready to make time for an adjustment - A Holiness adjustment - because my Spiritual health depends upon it.

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