Tuesday, March 5, 2013

NIGHT: Lenten Devotion Day 21

Lenten Devotion Day 21


Then Jesus said to them, 
"You will all become deserters because of me this night; for it is written, 
"I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.' 
But after I am raised up, I will go ahead of you to Galilee." 
Peter said to him, 
"Though all become deserters because of you, I will never desert you." 
Jesus said to him, 
"Truly I tell you, this very night, before the cock crows, you will deny me three times." 
Matthew 26:31-34

I wake up each morning with the grand intention of being an obedient disciple of Christ. I pray I will devote my every move to his call and I vow that all my heart, mind and soul will be devoted to him. I have no doubt it is a similar feeling to Peter as he declared to Jesus, "I will never desert you." I am sure it was unfathomable to him, after all he had given up and all he had seen in the last three years, that he could walk away and leave this man he loved so much. I'm sure it was heart-wrenching for him to hear Jesus prediction and think - He doesn't trust me! How can he not trust me after all we've been through.

And then night came.

In the night comes our deepest fears, insecurities and anxieties. As the darkness creeps in so does the second guesses and the weaknesses. Every bump in the basement is a threat, every creak of the stairs a sign of impending terror. Confidence is easy in the light when you can brace yourself for what you see coming your way...

and then comes night...

Reality that we aren't as confident as we had hoped and we aren't as dedicated as we have vowed is what dawns in the darkness. It is the fear of what we can't see and know, the doubt of what we thought we were so sure of. 

In the night it comes and we don't even know it at first...and then the cock crows...and we remember.

We look around at the faces surrounding us and we know - suddenly - we know that we failed to keep the intention of discipleship...we failed to be devoted to his call....we failed to keep the vow of dedication. We hope we can keep our shame hidden in the darkness with us until we remember - Jesus knew - he called it already. You will fail...you will desert...you will scatter...

in the night.

Dawn breaks
Sun rises
We remember 
3 days after the darkness
Son rises
New life
begin again
it all comes

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