Friday, March 1, 2013

PROPHET: Lenten Devotion Day 17


And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; 
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, 
to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins.
Luke 1:76-77

I vividly remember standing in the back of the room trembling in nervous expectation. My friends and seminary professors had walked by, patted me on the arm and said, "Don't worry, you will do great." I was about to preach in Chapel for the first time. I was about to stand up in front of professors, mentors, friends, and scholars and lead them in worship. It felt the silliest thing in the world for ME to be doing such a thing. I wondered if any of those who had urged me to calm down really believed it would be ok or if they were just hoping for the best. Then came one more professor who did the same pat on the arm, it will be ok, yada yada. However, he walked about three more steps and stopped. He turned to me and pointed a finger at me and I will never forget his words, "On second thought," he said, "be very afraid. Be very nervous. You are about to have the audacity to stand in that pulpit and declare you have a word from the Lord. You had BETTER take that seriously - it should always make you nervous.

Oddly enough, I never liked this professor and he never liked me but many years after seminary is over  his words are among the few lessons I can still quote. They are in my head every Sunday morning as well as during the week when I do my visitations and my sermon preparation. Every time I open my mouth to speak I hear his reminder that I am a prophet by the nature of my calling. A prophet, at least in the simplest sense of the world, is one that speaks for God. It is not about seeing visions of the future but rather it is about being so attuned to the voice of God that you hear God's message and pass it along to others in need of hearing. 

Do you think you are a prophet? Is there someone who would say that you have spoken God's word to them and helped them understand or cope with a difficult situation? Yes, God calls some folks to specialized roles  but I happen to think that all Christians have the chance to be a prophet. It is audacious to do so and should be done with fear and trembling but with prayer, discernment, wisdom and dedication to stay close to God and hear God's voice I believe we all have a word from the Lord to share.

What is God's word you are called to proclaim

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