This morning, some of the followers of Jesus gathered along a busy roadway. Around a cross we gathered and heard again the passion story. As the story reached its Jesus breathed his last...the first of a few gentle rain drops fell. As the cross was hoisted upon the shoulders of the followers, the others fell into a somber and silent line. Slowly, we began to walk down the street - following the cross. The gentle tears from heaven fell softly upon our faces.
This scene never ceases to move me to tears. Even on those Good Friday's when the sun is shining and the day is warm, I feel the goosebumps and chill of pain as we take this journey. Today the sun is hidden and the air is chill with rain drops falling gently and sporadically upon us as we walk. It is a journey I have taken in three different towns over the past 16 years, but this year feels different.
In the past I have been moved by the pain Jesus must have felt, the humility, the defeat, the rejection... the heartbreak. But today the pain of this walk took on a new meaning for me. Perhaps it comes from having shed so many of my own tears of grief this year but suddenly I realized that pain isn't just about is also about love.
There is no doubt that when Jesus carried the cross to his death he felt all those things I had imagined before (pain, humility, defeat, and rejection), but...what made that walk possible was love. If Jesus hadn't loved all the children of his Father, our God - he wouldn't have been on this journey at all. As my own tears fell I thought about watching my own children grieve during their heavy losses this year. I remember hating so bad to see them hurt and yet finding comfort in knowing that their tears showed that my children knew how to love well - for only out of great love could separation hurt so bad.
As we neared the end of our journey the rain fell in a heavy downpour, as if the heavens couldn't hold it's grief any longer. In a pouring rain we bowed our heads and said a prayer. My heart is full and my tears are no longer for sorrow - they are instead praise and thanksgiving for God's love.
The journey to the cross did have pain...but it was first and foremost a journey of love.
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