Tuesday, February 19, 2013

WONDER - Lenten Photo Devotional: Day 7

Lenten Photo Devotion: Day 7


Is there any wonder which the Lord is not able to do?
Genesis 18:14a

It seems a strange thing to be thinking about Christmas in the midst of Lent (or February for that matter) but today's devotional word took me right there to the manger.

There is a popular Christmas song titled "Strange Way to Save the World" that speaks to the wonder I feel in how God chose to implement this great plan of salvation - with an infant, born of a virgin, brought into the world homeless, soon an immigrant, later a Rabbi...then a King.

It was indeed a strange way to save the world and yet it was God's way...full of wonder.

In the Genesis story of Abraham and Sarah, God promises to begin a new nation with this elderly couple. They are so old that Sarah begins to giggle at the very prospect of her and Abraham creating a child together. The angels hear her laughter and ask that simple question, "Is there any wonder which the Lord is not able to do?"  Sarah thinks so...until she finds herself pregnant.

As we journey into Lent I hope we hear the same question echo in our ears - "Is there any wonder which the Lord is not able to do?" Of course not - the same Lord that brought an old man and woman to the birthing chamber brought his Son into the world...onto the cross....and out of the grave. 

Think about the wonders around you every day. Try to name several each day and not take for granted that our Lord is full of awesome and amazing gift - many of which are completely unexpected and unpredictable. 


and see what God has in store for you.

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